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GO CLIMBING! You going climbing consistently could save the world.

A pay-what-you-can (even free!) online workshop on why the planet (and humanity) need you to worry less and climb more.

*Spoiler alert- Of course simply going climbing alone will NOT solve all of the worlds problems. Read further for details on that ridiculously bold statement.

Ask [people] why they are compelled to climb, and more often than not their answer is, “It makes me feel alive.” But what does this mean? I argue that, unwittingly or not, [they] are on a spiritual quest.
— Maria Coffey, "Explorers of the Infinite"

What is it that fires you up about climbing? The movement? The exposure? The beautiful landscapes? The relationships and camaraderie? All of the above…and maybe something even deeper?

In this workshop we will explore:

  • Why approaching climbing with a particular mind-set can provide insight, experience and knowledge for living a purposeful, fulfilling life.

  • How consistently connecting to what is important in our hearts (climbing for one) and living outwardly from there, inherently fosters a desire to contribute to and protect the people, places and resources we care about.

  • How getting outside consistently is proven to benefit our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, leaving us more inspired and energized to bring our best selves to the other important aspects of our lives, communities and the world.

  • Why we need to start taking our playtime more seriously and our serious time more playfully!

Climber -Kirk Turner

Climber -Kirk Turner

This for you if…

  • You are a climber. Climbing for you isn’t just a hobby, It’s a lifestyle. A deep passion. It’s who you are. Or, you are new to climbing and are feeling an intense “pull” by it and are curious about exploring why that might be.

  • You have a sense that there is a deeper purpose within your passion for climbing on rocks (and/or ice) and would love to explore and see ways in which that purpose can be brought to the forefront to serve the people and places you love.

  • You’d love to climb, like, ALL-THE-TIME but often feel pressures (social, economic, familial, etc.) to be more “responsible,” to “grow up,” and would love to be able to articulate to the people in your lives why climbing is so damned important to you!

  • You know a climber in your life and have often wondered, “Why are they so freakin obsessed with such a ridiculous sport?” and would love to have some insight into why that might be.

To do good, you actually have to do something.
— Yvon Chouinard


When: 5:00-6:30pm (MST) Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Where: Online via Zoom (You will receive link in welcome email after registration.)

Cost: Pay what you can. Suggested payment tiers:

If you are financially flourishing: $50

If you are financially comfortable: $35

If you are financially stretched: $20

If you would love to attend but finances are tight: FREE!

Please email with any questions!

My name is Bryan. I like to play in the mountains. Skiing, climbing, trail running, mountain biking, basically if it’s outside and it’s “fun” then I’m in! Over the years I have faced the challenge of creating balance in: feeling fulfilled in meaningful work while also making enough money to have some semblance of financial security being a loving, supportive partner all the while trying to find time and energy to pursue my passions in the mountains. It’s a balancing act many of us strive for. After riding the pendulum swing from being broke but having tons of play time, to having the steady job with benefits but little time or energy for fun, I thought, there’s got to be a better way. But, I couldn’t see what that was. This brought me to coaching where I was able to “clear the fog” and see the next steps in my journey to build a life with an abundance of purpose, passion and play.I am a professionally-trained coach through the Academy for Coaching Excellence (ACE), an accredited training program of the International Coach Federation (ICF). The ACE coaching model brings together time-tested wisdom teaching principles with the latest research in neuroscience to help you understand how to best focus on what is most important to you and take meaningful action to bring your vision to life.Please email with any questions!

My name is Bryan. I like to play in the mountains. Skiing, climbing, trail running, mountain biking, basically if it’s outside and it’s “fun” then I’m in!

Over the years I have faced the challenge of creating balance in:

  • feeling fulfilled in meaningful work while also making enough money to have some semblance of financial security

  • being a loving, supportive partner

  • all the while trying to find time and energy to pursue my passions in the mountains.

    It’s a balancing act many of us strive for.

After riding the pendulum swing from being broke but having tons of play time, to having the steady job with benefits but little time or energy for fun, I thought, there’s got to be a better way. But, I couldn’t see what that was. This brought me to coaching where I was able to “clear the fog” and see the next steps in my journey to build a life with an abundance of purpose, passion and play.

I am a professionally-trained coach through the Academy for Coaching Excellence (ACE), an accredited training program of the International Coach Federation (ICF). The ACE coaching model brings together time-tested wisdom teaching principles with the latest research in neuroscience to help you understand how to best focus on what is most important to you and take meaningful action to bring your vision to life.

Please email with any questions!

Climber -Ian Baily

Climber -Ian Baily

July 22

Go Outside and Play! How to consistently get out and have fun in the mountains without feeling guilty or selfish.

May 31

Free Coaching in exchange for Market Research