In this modern world of go, go, go, do, do, do, me, me, me! It is all-too common for us to relate success with wealth, status and accumulation of material possessions. Yet it’s widely known that many individuals who have achieved such things are often left feeling lonely and unfulfilled. Why is that?
When we know someone who is constantly busying about with a career, family, volunteer commitments, personal hobbies, social engagements, etc. We often say, “Wow, they’re so driven!” Frequently though, if you’re able to get these folks to sit down for a moment and reflect they’ll tell you that they’re often too tired or distracted to really enjoy any of their “success.”
Of course there’s the opposite end of the spectrum. Those who find it a struggle to stay focused and motivated toward their goals and dreams and create the success they envision. They may often feel exhausted and overwhelmed at the end of the day but ask themselves, “What did I even accomplish today?”
Does any of this sound familiar?
What if there was another way to define “success”?
In her book, Mastering Life’s Energies, Maria Nemeth, PhD, states, “Success is consistently doing what you said you would do with clarity, focus, ease, and grace.” She goes on to explain, “Success, seen this way, is an inside job. You don’t compare yourself to anyone else. You don’t even look at what you’re doing is big or small. You look instead at the quality of your action and of your experience. Success is not about dragging yourself across the finish line or up the mountain.”
What do you want to be known for?
How do you want to show up in life? In good times and in challenging times?
Join me to answer these questions and more in an interactive webinar where we’ll explore Dr. Nemeth’s version of success by creating your Life Blueprint.
In creating your Life Blueprint we will:
Take a deep look at what is truly important to you in life. What are your life’s intentions?
What does success look like in your life now? What does it look like with a new perspective?
We will then look at ways that you can use your blueprint to create focus and clarity so you can consistently demonstrate these intentions and experience true success throughout your life with ease and grace .
Success, a Life Blueprint
When: Thursday, March 11th at 4:30-6:30 MST
Where: Zoom Register here!
Cost: Sliding scale:
$75 if you are financially
$50 if you are financially
$25 if investing is a stretch
$0 if you are interested and
inspired but financially
strapped at the moment
Who: Hosted by Bryan Dalpes professionally trained life/personal development and mental fitness coach.
I am a professionally-trained coach through the Academy for Coaching Excellence (ACE), an accredited training program of the International Coach Federation (ICF). The ACE coaching model brings together time-tested wisdom teaching principles with the latest research in neuroscience to help you understand how to best focus on and take action towards what is most important to you.
If you have any questions please contact me!
Phone: 406.223.9004